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电脑之家 2024年06月08日 11:35 43 admin

本文摘要: TheThinkPadkeyboardcanbelituptoprovidebettervisibilityinlowlightconditions.BelowaresomemethodsandtipsforsettinguptheThinkPadkeyboardbacklight.1.Usingt...

The ThinkPad keyboard can be lit up to provide better visibility in low light conditions. Below are some methods and tips for setting up the ThinkPad keyboard backlight.

1. Using the TrackPoint for Navigation

By simultaneously pressing the red TrackPoint and the middle key, you can navigate through pages. Additionally, you can move the cursor to any location on the screen by holding down the TrackPoint with your index finger.

2. Using Keyboard Shortcuts to Enable Backlight

Press "FN+Space" to turn on the keyboard backlight. There are usually two levels of brightness that can be adjusted.

Some ThinkPad models have a keyboard with backlight symbols on the keys. Pressing "FN+Backlight key" can turn on the backlight with adjustable brightness levels.

3. Adjusting Keyboard Light Intensity

Pressing "FN+Backlight key" will toggle the keyboard light on, initially with dim red light. Pressing the combination again will increase the brightness level.

Check your specific model's user manual to confirm if it has the backlight feature and how to activate it with the appropriate key combination.

4. Enabling Keyboard Backlight in Windows 10

Open "Lenovo Settings" from the Start menu in Windows 10 to enable the keyboard backlight settings.

Confirm the keyboard backlight feature availability on your ThinkPad model and follow the steps to activate it through the system settings.

With these methods and tips, you can effectively set up and use the ThinkPad keyboard backlight feature to improve your typing experience in various lighting conditions.

标签: 联想

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